A User-Friendly Guide on How to Connect Google Home to Wifi

How to connect Google Home to wifi
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Smart speaker device owners appreciate the benefits of Google, with 31.7% owning a Google Home device. But it doesn’t matter what device you have if you can’t connect it to your wifi. Thankfully, Google has made the process simple and straightforward.

This guide will show you how to connect a Google Home to Wi-Fi. That way, you can have a complete network and smart home.

How to Connect a Google Home to Wi-Fi

Before you get started on connecting your new device and creating your smart home, there are some things that you’ll need to connect both a Google Home or a Google Home Mini.

  • A Google account
  • An iOS or Android device
  • The latest version of Google Home app
  • Name and password for your Wi-Fi network

You can register a Google account by going to Google’s Create an Account page.

Set up the Connection

Once you have everything on the above list, you are ready to start setting up your connection. Open the Google Home app on your phone. Then log in to your Google account through the app.

If the app asks you to enable Bluetooth, you’ll want to do this. Once enabled, your smartphone will look for and recognize the device. Once this happens, select “Next” on the screen.

Listen for the sound that your speaker will play. When you hear that sound, select “Yes” on the phone screen.

Now select the location or room where your Google device is located. This will give you the option of entering a unique name for your speaker.

The final step is to choose your Wi-Fi network and click “next”. Enter the Wi-Fi login credentials and select “Connect”. The Google Home should connect to the Wi-Fi, and your setup is complete.

Connect Google Home to New Wi-Fi

There will come a day when you need to connect your Google Home to a new Wi-Fi network or reconnect with an updated password. Start by opening the app on your phone and selecting the Google device you want to connect.

Then tap the gear icon for that device’s settings. Select the Wi-Fi option and then tap “Forget Network”. Once this happens, the app will redirect you back to the home screen. Then you’ll go through the steps of setting up your Google home connect to Wi-Fi again.


If you find that your new device won’t connect, then try moving the device or your router. They may need to be closer to each other. If they still won’t connect, try restarting one or both of them.

Sometimes, you just need to double-check that you’ve entered the password correctly.

Set up Google Home Wi-Fi Today

Now that you know how to connect a Google Home to Wi-Fi, you’re ready to get started with your own devices. Start by creating your Google account and downloading the app.

Then you’re ready to connect your new devices to the app. Once you have your device accessible in the app, you’re ready to connect to your Wi-Fi.

Contact our team today, and get help with all of your smart home needs.

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